Are you worried about making sure you have all the coverage you need should something go wrong with either yourself or someone you love? Would you feel more comfortable knowing that you have a secondary solution just in case? Medicare can be that perfect solution. This government-provided coverage will help ensure that even in the worst case scenarios, you have the coverage you need to receive the necessary care from start to finish. However, few people really understand what this coverage covers and how it works. Here are a few questions most commonly asked at the Medicare insurance company that can help you better understand your coverage today.
Why Are Their Different Plans?
When you visit your Medicare insurance company, you’ll most likely notice the mention of various plans throughout the process. This is because Medicare is broken up into four different plans including Plan A, B, C, and D. These different plans cover different things. Plan A, for example, covers hospital insurance, hospice care, nursing facilities, and things of that nature. However, Plan D is optional prescription drug coverage which you could opt out of depending on your own personal situation. Visit us and find out which plans will work best for you and your family today.
Am I Eligible?
Another question that often gets asked of these insurance companies is whether or not the person in question actually qualifies for Medicare benefits. In all actuality, to qualify for this coverage you need to first have been a U.S. citizen for at least five consecutive years as well as either be 65 or older, have been permanently disabled, have end-stage renal disease, or have Lou Gehrig’s disease. If you fit into these categories you certainly will qualify for Medicare and should find a Medicare insurance company in Troy, MI as soon as possible.
Dealing with health issues can seem overwhelming, but having the right coverage can help make things infinitely easier. Keep these benefits in mind and find a Medicare representative today.