Strategies To Use When Working With Tulle Fabric

by | Sep 5, 2022 | Shopping

There is an endless variety of different options in tulle fabric. This is a sheer fabric that can be more like lace or a net. It offers a strong, durable and stiffer fabric for draping, swagging and creating beautiful ceilings and “tents” indoors or out.

Tulle used for decorating is most commonly made of 100% polyester. This is a low-cost fabric that looks amazing and has the strength to stand up to being touched or brushed without dropping or falling apart.

Tulle Swags

Those beautiful, lacy looking swags on head tables, gift tables or cake tables at a wedding or event are almost always made from tulle fabric. This is not a difficult look to create even if it is your first time.

Start by measuring the length of the table and then doubling it, allowing lots of room to make the swags as deep as required. Cut the tulle and attach it to the table using a clip or a pin. Gather the tulle fabric to attach it to the table, then allow it to drape naturally to the level required, clipping it again to the table and so on down the length. Spread the tulle out slightly to give the swag the shape and fullness required. This same method can be used on walls or along doorways or arches as well.


To create the look of a soft “ceiling,” attach the ends of the strips of tulle fabric into a central knot. Raise this to the level you want for the “peak” in the middle of the room or area. Then simply drape the tulle to the level required and attach it at the correct height to the wall. This can be stapled or pinned; it is very lightweight and very easy to attach.

It is possible to choose tulle in any color or to combine colors for a fuller, more elaborate swag, drape or ceiling. This is such as versatile fabric it will just take a few minutes for anyone to feel comfortable with the material.

For more information visit CV Linens website today.

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